What is Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR)?

Dry Mixed Recycling is a waste collection method that allows businesses to dispose of various recyclable materials in a single bin. It’s an efficient way to divert recyclable waste from landfills and give these valuable resources a new life through recycling.

What goes into the DMR bin?

In a DMR bin, businesses can place a wide range of recyclable materials, including:

  1. Cardboard and paper: Packaging materials, cardboard boxes, and office paper can be recycled to produce new paper products.
  2. Plastic: Plastic bottles, containers, and packaging materials can be recycled into new plastic items.
  3. Glass: Glass bottles and jars can be recycled endlessly to create new glass products.
  4. Metal: Aluminium cans, steel cans, and other metal items can be recycled to reduce the need for raw materials.

The Journey of DMR Waste

Once the DMR waste is collected from businesses in York, it embarks on an exciting journey towards recycling and sustainability. The waste is transported to a state-of-the-art recycling facility where it undergoes a meticulous sorting process.

High-tech machinery separates the different recyclable materials into distinct categories, ensuring that each type is clean and ready for the recycling process. The sorted materials are then baled, compacted, and transported to specialized recycling plants.

The Recycling Process

At recycling plants, each type of material undergoes a specific recycling process:

  1. Cardboard and paper: The collected cardboard and paper are shredded and mixed with water to create a pulp. The pulp is then processed to remove contaminants and transformed into new paper products.
  2. Plastic: The plastic is sorted by type and cleaned thoroughly. It is then melted and molded into new plastic products such as bottles, containers, and even clothing.
  3. Glass: The glass is crushed into small pieces called cullet, which is then melted at high temperatures and molded into new glass bottles, jars, and other products.
  4. Metal: Metal items are melted down and formed into new metal products, reducing the need for mining raw materials.

York: Leading the Way to Sustainability

By adopting Dry Mixed Recycling, businesses in York can play a significant role in transforming our city into the UK’s greenest city. Embracing this recycling method not only reduces the environmental impact of waste but also conserves valuable resources and energy.

Additionally, recycling helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions, combat climate change, and protect our natural habitats. It instills a sense of responsibility and commitment to sustainability within the community, inspiring residents and visitors alike to adopt eco-friendly practices.

As a community, let us work together to promote Dry Mixed Recycling and take pride in our efforts to make York a shining example of environmental consciousness. By choosing DMR, businesses in York can demonstrate their commitment to a greener future while making a positive impact on the world around us.

Together, let us lead the way towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable York – a city we can all be proud to call home.

Liam Barrett